COVID-19 Safety Procedures


To keep us all safe:

The following procedures have been implemented based on CDC and New York State guidelines

Ahead of Rental

  • Please provide a list of all attendees and contact information

  • Please designate one person from your team (usually the production manager) as our main contact person

  • If applicable, please provide a list of all potential deliveries, including expected time of deliveries

Daily Arrival Procedures

  • Please designate a main contact person to arrive 30 minutes before call time. Our Studio Manager will go over procedures and safety protocols for the shoot

  • During this time, our Studio Manager will also brief the main contact person regarding general studio operation procedures such as how to use the intercom or thermostat etc.

  • Please advise rest of crew to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes prior to call time. If they do arrive earlier, we kindly ask that they wait outside the studio and observe social distancing guidelines

  • Masks are required to be worn at all times by all personnel while in the studio

  • SeeFood Media can provide masks upon request. We will provide up to 1 mask per day, per crew member

  • Upon entry to studio, all personnel must either wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or hand sanitize

  • Please do not enter the studio if:

    • You have symptoms of COVID-19, or have COVID-19

    • You have been in recent contact with persons who have COVID-19

For your safety

  • All SeeFood Media employees will be wearing masks

  • Soap and paper towels are provided at all bathrooms and sinks

  • Hand sanitizer is available at the studio entrance and throughout the studio

  • Shared surfaces such as elevator buttons, door handles etc. are sanitized at least 3 times daily (prior to call time, early afternoon, late afternoon)

  • HEPA air purifier provided (rated for use up to 1,500 square feet)

Gear & Prop Rental Procedures

  • If your rental includes any prop rentals:

    • All props must be washed and returned to the prop room prior to check out

  • If your rental includes any gear rentals:

    • In-house gear will be placed in your rented studio space prior to your first day of rental

    • All in-house gear is sanitized thoroughly prior to delivery for your use

    • At the end of your rental, please pack all in-house gear in the same place where you found them. You do not need to sanitize before returning but please ensure that all equipment is accounted for

    • Should your rental include gear you are bringing in from external sources, please let us know in advance especially if these items will be delivered to our studio

    • For equipment deliveries, the designated main contact person should make any necessary arrangements for receiving and loading in gear


  • Private Entrance & Exits for:

    • Ground Floor Rentals: @ 172 Stanton Street (not 32 Clinton Street)

    • 2nd Floor or Roof Rentals: Through Lobby at 32 Clinton Street via Stairwell / Elevator

  • Our staff will not enter your set / rental location during rental hours unless requested

  • Please communicate with the office via radio, text message, or email

  • A confirmed list of all crew present on set with contact information is required at check out

  • Contactless payment is strongly encouraged via Credit Card or Check at checkout

Further Questions or Requests

If you have any other further questions or requests contact us, we are here to help!